Monday, October 26, 2020

CBSE-English-class 10-chapter 4-From the diary of Anne Frank


Class 10 chapter 4

 From the diary of Anne Frank

 - - About the Author - -


Anne Frank is the author of the chapter "From Anne Frank's Diary", her full name is "Annelis Marie Frank" .    


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 She was born on 12 June,1929 in Frankfurt, Germany, and was passed in 1945 in February or March at the "Bergen-Belsen Death Camp".


She was a Jewish young girl, whom her father gave a diary to celebrate the thirteenth birthday as her birthday present. He wrote her life experiences in that diary.


 At first he thought that a young girl like her would go unnoticed but he removed such thoughts and started writing.

Anne Frank's father was "Mr. Otto Frank", a German financial expert who found that diary after Anne's passing. Her diary essentially disintegrated into several dialects from her unique Dutch and became one of the world's most read books. Apart from this, some movies, TV serials and diary based films have also come. Anne Frank has become one of the famous Holocaust victims.



- - Theme - -

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The sacrifice of one human being to another is the theme of this extract. The act of hiding people at the risk of their lives  and  and giving of their food, living space and the lives of those around them.


- - Message - -


Tolerance, power and expectation are the basic weapons to face any kind of misery in life. In the event that we use them, we can authenticate ourselves


- - About the concentration camp -

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From 1933 to 1945, the Government of Germany worked in 1,000 inhumane confinements (concentration camps) in Germany.


Primary camps were established in March 1933 when "Adolf Hitler" became the General of Germany. After that day in 1934, inhuman imprisonment was carried out by the Nazi government. Most of the prisoners in the concentration camps were individuals from the Communist Party of Germany, although as time went on, various gatherings were captured, including "constant lawbreakers", and  specially Jews.


More than 1,000 inhumane imprisons were established during the history of Nazi in  Germany and at one time there were approximately 1.65 million people registered prisoners in the camps. Nearly 1,000,000 passed during his strike. A lot of previous camps have become historical centers (museums) in memory of survivors of the Nazi system.


- - - Short explanation - - -

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In this extract, we studied "From the Diary of Anne Frank", which is based on the foundation of War II. It is a self-depiction (auto-biography) of a girl Anne Frank, who communicates her thoughts in a diary. Her father had presented a diary on the celebration of her thirteenth birthday, which she called 'kitty' as her best friend. Anne Frank was a Jewish young girl who is hiding during war II, in order to keep away from the Nazis. She shares her experience and therefore the story during her discouraging season. Likewise, she along with seven others who  hide in a secret annex on Prinsengrach 263 in Amsterdam. She lives there for 2 years and reflects each of her experiences inside the diary. As a result, she uses her energy in studying and composing, gaining more knowledge about government issues (politics) and literature. After her demise (death), she becomes world famous due to her diary


----------Detailed Explanation----------


The author feels that it is strange and unusual for her to record a diary as she is doing it for the first time. He feels that inside the future no one will analyze the previous encounters of the young writer.

But she gets these thoughts out of her mind and thinks about her thinking. She realizes in light of the fact that she has no partner (friend) to talk to her. She needs to give a shape to the partner's need, so she chooses to call the diary as "kitty". Anne feels that the paper has more ability to hold its own views rather than individuals who have low patience. She has a great time with friends, yet cannot share her all secrets because they are not real companions .. She recalls her father Mr. Otto Frank who presents her the most beloved diary on the celebration of her thirteenth birthday.


Arriving on June 20, 1942, she writes in her diary how her class is concerned about their results. She says that the main subject  in which she has doubt is mathematics. He and his classmate, "G", try to stop the students from making noise, yet it is in vain.


Anne remembers how the teacher of mathematics is constantly disturbed by her habit of talking too much. He gives her extra homework as punishment while talking in his class. The first sentence is the composition of an essay on "Chatterbox", which she considers strange. Explains the topic and chooses to write in favor of talking. But she cannot write fully. She writes that she will try to improve herself, but cannot completely stop talking. The teacher thinks that its entertaining however he gives another topic after she didn't change her nature of talking in the class.


The topic is " Chatterbox" which presents to a habit that is difficult to change.. After examine her, Maths teacher gives her another topic, Quack, Quack, Quack, Said Mistress Chatterbox, as a punishment. . She decides to write her third topic in the form of a poem and writes a satire and luckily the teacher takes it lightly.. The teacher read the entire poem before the class and she talked uninterruptedly after this.




In the story From the Diary of Anne Frank, we learn that a youthful (student) must talk and feel blissful to remain intellectually fit.


------------- Important dates-----------

 Ana was born on June 12, 1929  in Frankfurt, Germany.

 Hitler becomes Chancellor of Germany in January 30, 1933. The first anti-Jewish laws are established. The Franks decide that the family should move to the Netherlands.

 The German army attacked on  Netherlands in May 10, 1940: .

 Anne receives a diary on June 12, 1942 for her thirteenth birthday.

 Anne's sister, Margot, receives a noticeon July 5, 1942 to appear for deportation to a forced labor camp. The family hides the next day.

 The van Pels, another Jewish family from Germany, join the Franks doggo on July 13, 1942: .

 Fritz Pfeffer, the eighth and last resident of the key Annex, joins the Frank and van Pels families in November 16, 1942.

 The residents of the Secret Annex are capture by German Army on August 4, 1944 and They all are arrested. They are taken to a police station in Amsterdam and eventually to the Westerbork transit camp.

 The eight prisoners are transported during a sealed freight car to Auschwitz within the last transport out of Westerbork September 3, 1944. In Auschwitz, the lads are separated from the ladies .

 Anne, Margot and Mrs. Van Pels are sent to the” Bergen-Belsen concentration camp  on October 1944:”. Edith Frank remains in the Auschwitz-Birkenau women's sub camp.

 Edith Frank dieson January 6, 1945 in Auschwitz-Birkenau.

 Otto Frank get freedomon January 27, 1945 from the Russian army. He is first taken to Odessa and then to France and  then he is permitted to return to Amsterdam.

Anne and Margot Frank die March 1945  within the Bergen-Belsen concentration camp within days of every other.

Otto Frank arrives in Amsterdam on  June 3, 1945 , where he meets Miep and Jan Gies. He knows that his wife has died, but he does not know that his daughters have also died. He still has hope.

 Otto Frank receives a letter on October 24, 1945 informing him that his daughters died in Bergen-Belsen. Miep gives Anne's diary to Otto. He found and hid the journal after the Frank's arrest and hoped to return it to Anne.

 the primary 1,500  copies of Anne's diary were published  In 1947 in Amsterdam.


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Tuesday, October 20, 2020

The Thief’s Story ||Ruskin Bond || Shakespeare for you ||


The Thief’s Story

About the Author


Ruskin Bond is the writer of this chapter , he was born on 19 May 1934. He is an Indian author but he is a British descent. He lives together with his adopted family in Landour,Mussoorie, India. He gives credit for his success as a writer to “The Indian Council for Child Education” That has recognised his role in the growth of children's literature in India. He got many award like the Sahitya Academy Award in 1992 for “Our Trees Still Grow in Dehra”, his novel in English, PadmaShri in 1999 and the Padma Bhushan in 2014.

Detail Explanation

There are two protagonist of this chapter, Anil who is a struggling writer and Hari singh who is a thief’. Anil is 25 years old mature and innocent man and hari is 15 years old thief. Hari Sigh meet to Anil when he was watching a wrestling match somewhere on the road .

 Hari singh approaches Anil and starts talking to him because he feels that he had not robbed anyone in the past few days and thought that it would be easy to rob a simple person like Anil. They start talking to each other and Anil asks the name of thief. The thief introduces himself as Hari Singh. This is not his real name as he modifies his name monthly to flee his ex employers or police. Then they started talking about some worldly matter like the wrestlers and on other topics also. Hari called him again when Anil was leaving and asked him if there was any work that he could do for Anil. Anil said that he won't able to pay him but could feed him only if he knew how to cook. Hari lied that he knew how to cook. They went to room that was above a sweet shop. Hari cooked a meal which was really bad because Anil didn't eat it. Anil asked Hari to go away but he tried to please Anil. Hari smiled in his most engaging way and Anil couldn't stop laughing watching him. Anil agreed to show Hari the way to cook, write full sentences and add numbers. Hari was very obliged as he knew that there would be no limit to robbing people once he learnt how to read and write.

The narrator wont to like working for Anil as he wont to make him tea within the morning then leave to shop for the groceries for the day. He also wont to steal 1 rupee from the cash that was given to him to shop for the groceries everyday. Anil knew that he wont to steal but didn't mind.

Anil used to make money by irregular works. Sometimes he wont to borrow money and therefore the other day, when he had money, he would be lending it to people . Whenever he wont to get money, he would leave together with his friends to celebrate.

One day, Anil return in his room with a bundle of note

and told Hari that he had sold a book to a book-publisher. At night he kept the cash safely under the mattress of his bed. Hari realized that he had been working for Anil for quite a month and had not stolen anything aside from the 1 rupee that he kept everyday from the grocery money. Hari had many chances to steal as he had the key to the space also . But he was surprised with the quantity of trust Anil had on him as he had never seen such a trusting person in his life. This trust thing was preventing him from robbing Anil as Hari thought that robbing a careless person like Anil didn't make much difference because he won't even notice that he had been robbed which took out all the fun from the work. Then he decided to stealing Anil’s money and justified himself that if he didn't steal money from Anil then also he would waste it on his friends and also,  He said to himself that Anil didn't pay him for the work that he did for hm.

Hari then awakened in the dark and quietly crawled to Anil’s bed. He steals the cash and decides to go away the town by Lucknow Express that departed at 10:30.

He reached the railway-station and the train had slowly started moving from the platform. He could have easily caught the train, but he was hesitate and he himself didn't know the reason for it. Before he had reached the station he counted the cash and it had been 600 rupees in 50 rupee notes. He could live a lavish life for 2 - 3 weeks with so much money. After the train had left, Hari was on their lonesome at the railway station . He was left with no place to sleep at night. The only person he knew was Anil and he had looted him also . He sat on a bench during a park and because it began to rain, he sat down under the tower . Then he found that the notes had got wet. He realized that learning the way to read and write would help him to urge a way more respectable and honest job which might pay him far more than these few hundred rupees. Then he decided to travel back to Anil’s house.

He reached the room and placed the money back. Next morning, he awakened a touch late and Anil had already made his tea. Anil gave a 50 rupee note to Hari as he had got purchased some work and he would be paid regularly. Hari felt that the note in his hand and observed that the note was still wet from the rain last night. Hari realized that Anil had come to understand about his wrong deed but there was no sadness, anger or guilt in his mind. The narrator smiled during a beautiful way and it had been real happiness as he knew that he had saved himself from the incorrect road.

Monday, October 19, 2020

Class 10 || The Ball Poem || John Berryman || A complete Explanation ||


The Ball Poem

About the  Poet of The Ball Poem

The Name of the poet is John Berryman. He was Born on October 25, 1914, at  McAlester,  in Oklahoma, US. And he died on January 7, 

1972 in Minneapolis, Minnesota, United States

He got his education at Columbia University  in the year of 1936, in Columbia College

 He was awarded with Bollingen Awards, and  National Poetry Book Award

Theme of the Poem

This poem is about losing what you love and learning to grow.

Explanation of the Poem

 The poem starts with a boy. The boy was playing with his ball. He was bouncing the ball in the air up and down. The boy was merrily enjoying the game. While bouncing, all of sudden it fell in the water and was lost.

  For the first time in his life, the boy is learning what it means to suffer from the loss of possession, which he loves the most. For us, losing the ball is a small incident, and our response is to say, "There are other balls." But for a child, that’s not the case. In 10 cents another ball can be purchased, it's worth nothing. Money is external, it cannot buy our love back or replace the things we love: what really matters.


In this poem, the poet wants to  depicts the innocence of his youth and happiness. In this world, people take balls and force us to grow in the same way that our innocence is removed. And once we lose the innocence, we can't get it back ever. The balls are always lost, baby, and no one buys the ball.


This poem tells us  how, throughout the life, we all are forced to do things that we  do not want to do; And we all  have to lose or sacrifice the things that  you love. But, despite this, we all must learn stand up, be strong and keep going no matter how painful life is inside. Because that’s the only way to survive; We all have to learn to accept and let go and never hold onto something you never had.

Sunday, October 18, 2020





1- Put in the right form of the words in brackets using comparative or superlative degrees of Adjective

 Based on Degrees

1) Her  house is (big)---- than yours.

2) This flower of rose is (beautiful) ------ than that one.

3) “Attitude is everything of 7 habit of Highly effective people”  is the (interesting)--------- book I have ever read.

4) Person who don’t smoke  usually live (long)----- than who  smokes.

5) Lion Or Tiger is the (dangerous) --------- animal in the forest?

6) A holiday beside the pond is (good) ----------- than a holiday on the sea beach.

7) This is strange but often a cold drink is (expensive) ------- than a beer.

8) Who is the (rich) ---------- lad on earth?

9) The weather on  this winter is even (bad) -------------- than last winter.

10)          Vikram was the (clever) -------------- thief of all.

Based on much or many

11)          students saw _____ animals at the zoo.

12)          How _____ mice did you put in the box?

13)          There isn’t _____water in my bottle.

14)          Ram doesn’t have ______ friends.

15)          The aged man hasn’t got _____ hair on his head.

16)          We’ve packed _____ pouches  of water.

17)          He didn’t get _____ sleep last night.

18)          How _____ bread do you eat in an average day?

 Based on a little or a few

19)          Can he buy _______ apples?.

20)          They need _______ water.

21)          We have _______ money left.

22)          We take _______ sugar with my coffee.

23)          He had _______ pints of beer there.

24)          They have _______ time left.

25)          There are _______ chairs in the room.

26)          Rachit only spent _______ dollars there.

Based on few or little

27)          There’s _______ P.C.O in calling.

28)          _______ students understood what he said.

29)          There was _______ use in trying to do this.

30)          There was _______ space here as it is.

31)          There’s _______ I can do about this problem.

32)          Ruchi is a great student. She has _______ problems with Maths.

33)          There is _______ traffic on the road.

34)          We think R.C.B will win the match but _______ people agree with me.

Basede on some or any


35)          Is there _______ juice left?

36)          There is _______milk in the bottle.

37)          Does he has _______ coffee?

38)          I don’t have _______ rupees left.

39)          She has _______ phone.

40)          Do you know _______ of these artist?



Answer of the above exercises

1)    Bigger

2)    Most beautiful

3)    Most beautiful

4)    Longer

5)    Most dangerous

6)    Better

7)    More expensive

8)    Many

9)    Worse

10)  Cleverest

11)  Many

12)  Much

13)  Many

14)  Much

15)  Many

16)  Much

17)  Much

18)  Many

19)  a few

20)  a little

21)  a little

22)  a little

23)  a few

24)  a little

25)  a few

26)  a few

27)  little

28)  Few

29)  Little

30)  Little

31)  Little

32)  Few

33)  Little

34)  few

35)  Any

36)  Some

37)  Any

38)  Any

39)  Some

40)  Any