Wednesday, September 30, 2020


 A LETTER TO GOD Class 10 

In this lecture, we will discuss A LETTER TO GOD  Brief Summary as well Detailed Summary . The author of the story,” A Letter to God” is G.L. Fuentes.

      About the the Writer

His full name was Gregorio Lopez y Fuentes     

 He was Born on  17 November 1895 in Veracruz, Mexico and Died  on  10 December 1966, in Mexico City, Mexico. He was a Mexican poet, writer and journalist.

Brief Summary In Points 

1. The story revolves around the idea of having unquestionable faith in God.

2. The story here taking place in a Latin American country.

3. Lencho, a farmer, who is the protagonist of the story

4. Lencho was a dedicated farmer. He was expecting a decent harvest.

5. But, to his grief, a hail storm came and destroyed his harvest completely.

6. Lencho was very sad. However, he had a strong belief in God. He was certain that God would help him. Also, he was an extremely straightforward man

7. He composed a letter to God.

8. In the letter, he asked God to send him one hundred pesos

9. He went to the post office and put his letter into the post box.

10.                  The postman removed the letter from the letter-box. He read the address on it and laughed very much.

11.                  Also, he rushed to the postmaster and demonstrated to him that strange letter.

12.                  Postmaster also laughed in the same way when he saw the address of God.

13.                  But on reading the letter, he got very serious. He lauded this man who had unquestioned faith in God and decided to help him in terms of money.

14.                  He asked the employees of the post office to give charity.

15.                  Moreover, he gave a part of-of his salary too. However, they were able to collect only a little more than 70 pesos as requested for by Lencho.

16.                  The postmaster put the money in an envelope. It was addressed to Lencho.

17.                  On Sunday, Lencho once again came to the post-office.

18.                  He asked if there was a letter for him. The postmaster took out the letter and handed it to Lencho.

19.                  Lencho was not surprised after seeing the money. But when he counted the money, he became angry on God.

20.                  He was sure that God could not have made a mistake.

21.                  He took paper and ink and wrote one more letter to God. Then he put it into the letter-box.

22.                  After Lencho had left the place, the postmaster and the employees read the letter.

23.                  Lencho had complained to God that he had received only seventy pesos.

24.                  He requested God to send him the rest of the money this time.

25.                  He asked God not to send the money through the mail.

26.                  He wrote that the post-office employees were a bunch of crooks and thus might have stolen the money.



Detailed Summary A Letter to God

Lencho, a farmer, who is the protagonist of the story,,  was a hard-working farmer. His house was situated at a low hill in the valley. From this house, he was able to see his crops and the river  that flow near valley . He was so much happy and expecting a good harvest this year  but his field needed a downpour. Since morning Lencho was looking at the sky. At the time of dinner, he told his wife that they were going to get rain because the sky was covered with black clouds


During the Supper , big drops of rain began to fall.  The weather was fantastic and  air was fresh and sweet.

He came outside to feel the pleasure of the rain on his body. He was happy. He called them new coins and he compared the rain drops as 5 cents that were small and 10 cet that were big. He was expecting that  very soon his field was full of rain and this year he would het much profit as compare to last years . But suddenly the rain turned into large hailstone.


It hailed for an hour. His garden, house, the hillside, field had heavy hailing. It looked as if it were covered with salt. Not a single leaf was there on the trees. Lencho’s soul was filled with sadness. He spoke that they would all go hungry.


Lencho was in deep trouble by heart. He said that there was no hope . All the residents of the valley had a single hope. It was the help from God. Lencho said, “That’s what they say, no one wolud die of hunger”.


All the night, Lencho thought only of his one hope, “the help of God”. He believed, “The eyes of God see everything even what is deep in one’s soul or mind. He would not let them die of hunger”.


The following Sunday Lencho went to the post office. He wrote a letter to God. He wrote “God, if you don’t help me, my family and he would go hungry this year. He needed a hundred pesos to sow his field again and to live until the crop came. The hailstorm had destroyed everything”.


He addressed the letter to God. He fixed a stamp on the envelope and put it into the post box.


A postman got this letter and laughed very much on seeing the address. He showed it to the postmaster. The postmaster was a very friendly man. On seeing the letter, he became serious. He thought about the Lencho’s great faith in God.


In order not to shake the writer’s faith, the postmaster decided to help Lencho in terms of money. He collected money from his employees and friends as charity . He gave some part of his salary too. But he could not gather hundred pesos. He collected only 70 pesos.


So he put the money in an envelope and addressed to Lencho. He put a signature “God”. The next Sunday, Lencho came the post office and asked for his letter. The postman gave him the letter. The postmaster  and all employees were watching everything and they all were surprised that there were no facial expression on the face of Lencho.


Lencho was very much confident that God would  help him. Immediately he opened the letter and counted the money. But he became angry on finding less money. He remarked that God could not make such a mistake of sending him less money. Immediately Lencho went up to the window.


He wrote a letter, fixed a stamp and put it into the post box. The postmaster went to open it. He read the letter. It said “God, only seventy pesos have reached me. Send the rest not through the mail because the post office employees are a bunch of crooks”.






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