Thursday, October 1, 2020


Introduction Of The Poem

 Fire and Ice  is composed by Robert Frost and it expresses the idea that the world would end in either of two ways, either by ice or fire.

Both the components are compared with self-destructing human emotions: hatred and desire.

 The poem, Convey a beautiful message to the readers  that we let our emotions rule us and if don’t control them they will surely destroy everything around us.

(For Example : We all know that eating fast food too much, may be dangerous for us but still we eat. It happens only due to our emotions that Rule our mind and don’t let us think.)


 Similarly, he thinks fire and ice, both are just as competent that may bring the world to its end.


Line wise Explanation

Some say the world will end in fire
Some say in ice.
From what I’ve tasted of desire
I hold with those who favour fire.

The poem expresses the profound idea that the world would end in either of two ways, either by ice or fire.

 First group has the  opinion that someday the Earth will get so heated up that it would lead to fire that destroy each and everything on  the earth.

 On the other hand, the second group has the opinion  that if the temperature goes down to an extent that makes life on Earth impossible, it would have the same catastrophic (Sudden destroy) effect.

 The poet then compares fire and ice with the destructive features of human emotions; desire and hatred.

He says that from what he is aware about “fiery desires”, he would favour the ones who say that it would be fire. By saying so, he brings about the idea that human beings let their emotions rule them and the consequence of unmonitored longing is chaos.



But if it had to perish twice,
I think I know enough of hate
To say that for destruction ice
Is also great
And would suffice


Then by not waving off the first option of fire, he considers if the world has to expire twice, ice would be equally competent in ending it. He brings about a contrast between “ice” and “hatred”.

The human capability of insensitivity and hatred has the potential for inner destruction. Though slow and steady, it has the same effect that desire has on us. So if given an option between fire and ice, ice would be just as good as fire to destroy the world




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