Friday, October 2, 2020

Class 10 Dust of Snow By Robrt Forst


Dust of snow by Robert Frost.

In the lecture we will discuss the short poem, Dust of snow summary by Robert Frost.

Intro Of The Poem

 This poem explains  the extraordinary curing  power of nature and petty things in life. Nature can cure everything whether it is bad mood or any disease. The author experiences  one such bad day when a crow’s movement near hemlock dusted snow upon him. The snow instantly makes him happier.

His day gets tons better. The greatness of nature made him realize his problems are petty.
 The fact that hemlock is poisonously and crow is the indicator of doom and fear. It is utilized in the poem because the carrier of happiness within the lifetime of the narrator is ironical.

 The poet tries to highlight that sometimes creatures link with negative aspects of life often bring change and happiness. Being outdoors in nature, with all its unpredictability can benefit anyone, anywhere at any time.

Summary of The Poem “ Dust & Snow”


It is winter season and the poet is in a bad mood sitting quietly under the hemlock tree covered all over the snow. On that moment, a crow  who is sitting on the branch of the tree shakes the tree, and the snow from tree falls on the poet. The snow is cold and velvety to touch which changes the poet’s mood from sad to happy.

 It fills him with a refreshing feeling. This moment was very compelling and saves his day from disappointment. The black crow usually symbolizes bad omen and emblem of death and fear. Since the crow is not related to goodwill, Poet Creates Irony  that during this poem crow did an honest deed by shaking off the snow.

Robert Frost did not prefer to use any other trees like oak, maple or pine. He chose the hemlock which is typically related to poison and toxicity. Similarly, he uses dust which is useless to anybody and nobody wants to be liking dust.

But the poet uses it as an impulse that brings positive thoughts in mind. Anyway, the alluring (attractive) snow that adorns (decorate)  the poisonous hemlock tree’s branches is shaken off by a scary crow

 We have toxic hemlock covered in pure, white snow, and a person who is depressed, getting to kill himself and walking under the tree. The black crow throws the snow on the poet. The feeling of pure cold snow change his mind about sacrificing his life. On the contrary, he decides to forget the regrets of his life and sorrow to follow the path of healing of the inner soul.

This poem conveys the message that nothing in life is small. Even petty things can bring positive changes in our life. In addition to this, it also shows that if we take things positively in life, situations do change for better. Even the small help or good gestures we do for others make large differences. Just believe those random acts of kindness we do and the way they brighten a person’s day, and sometimes change their future. Noticing and appreciating all the tiny things in life will make our life happier.

Conclusion of Dust of Snow
The poem teaches us a lesson that every small act in life can illuminate our soul and motivate us to do better.


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