Thursday, October 8, 2020

His First Flight

His First Flight

His first flight
Hello Student how are you all ! Today in this Lecture We will learn our 3rd chapter “ Two Stories about flying”

This chapter has dived into two parts

(i) His First Flight Written by LiAM O’ FLAHERTY

(ii) Black Aeroplane written by Frederick Forsyth

In this Article we will discuss first part “ His First Flight"

Themes Of the Chapter

‘His First Flight’ highlighting and focusing on the importance of independence, self-belief and self-confidence, and the urgency for motivation to get goals. It is said that Necessity is always the mother of invention, but sometimes it needs an initial spark from outside


Short Explaination Pointwise

1. It is an imaginary story

2. That convey the message that one can learn if he / she takes courage instead of sitting idle.

3. This a story of a young seagull that is fed lovingly by his parents ,

4. But when the time comes for him to fly himself, a fear starts to create in his heart that he is not able to fly

5. Because he feels that his wings are not enough strong to fly properly. At last, After using all tricks to motivate young seagull to fly his mother hits upon a plan by persuading him with food in her beak.

6. And finally he learns how to fly

Detailed Explanation

The story starts with young seagull who was sitting alone on his ledge. His two brothers and his sister were flying in the sky. He himself wanted to fly, he could not do so. There was a fear in his heart about flying . . When he saw that his brothers and sister flew then he also tried but he failed to gather the courage to fly. He was really very sad. His parents came to him. They also asked him to fly. They even scolded him. They threatened if he didn't fly, he would die of hunger there. But he could not move.

Twenty-four hours had passed but, nobody has come near him. He was watching that his parents and brothers and sisters were flying within the sky.

His parents had been giving training to be perfect to his brothers and sister, how to dive for fish. They called him to fly. But he could not fly.

The sun was shining and it had been extremely hot weather  . He felt the heat. Since He had not eaten for long. He had found a dried piece of a fish tail. But it was not enough. There wasn't even one piece of food anywhere for him. He had gone forward and backward on the ledge. But he couldn’t fly. He wanted to reach his parents. There was a deep sea below.

The Young seagull thought a trick to attracted his parents, he closed his eyes, standing on one leg and he hid his second leg hidden under his wing. He pretended to sleep.

He thought that his parents didn’t notice of him. Nobody paid attention but only his mother was watching him. He saw that her mother was tearing at a bit of fish at her feet. He became mad to ascertain the food as he didn’t eat one bite since last 24 hours . He gave out a sound to get it. His mother replied during a sound and checked out him.

She picked a piece of the fish. She strated flying across to him with piece of fish. He leaned out tapping the rock with his feet. His mother flew across trying to urge nearer to him. The seagull was waiting the the food ,he wanted to tear that piece with his beak. But he could not get at it.

The seagull waited a moment in surprise. He wondered why his mother didn't come nearer. He was so mad with hunger that he dived at the fish. He fell outwards with a scream and downwards into space. His mother had been moving rapidly downwards through the air.. As he passed beneath her, he heard the a hissing sound. of her wings. Then an excellent fear caught him.He felt that His heart stood still. He could hear nothing. But it only lasted for a moment. The next moment, he felt his wings spread outwards. He felt the wind rushing against his breast feathers. It rushed under his stomach, and against his wings. He was not falling down now. He was flying slowly downwards and upwards. He was no longer afraid.

Now the young seagull gave out a joyous scream. He was maintaining a height within the air without flapping his wings calling ‘ga, ga, ga’. His mother gave out ‘gaw col-ah’. Then his father flew over him screaming. Then he saw his brothers and sister flying around him. They were roaring and diving.

Now he completely forgot that he had not been ready to fly ever . He pushed himself to dive and soar. He was near the ocean now, flying straight over it. He saw a vast green sea beneath him. His parents and his brothers and sister had landed on the green surface of water ahead of him. They called him to do the same thing. He dropped his leg to face on the green sea. But his legs sank into it. He cried with feat He tried to rise again flapping his wings. But he was tired and weak with hunger. He could not rise. His feet sank into the green sea. But When his belly touched with water he sank no further. He was floating on it. Around him was his family, crying and praising him. It was offering him scraps of dog-fish. He had made his first flight.


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