Thursday, October 8, 2020



The story 'the fun they had' written by Isaac Asimov is about a boy and a girl, Tommy and Margie, who discover something about school in the past. 

On May 17, 2157, Tommy, who is a thirteen-year-old boy, finds a "real book" in Margie's house that has been printed on paper. An eleven-year-old girl, the two of them look at it together. The book is very old and the pages are yellow and crinkly .

 in the year 2157, this type of book no longer exists. In this time, the words move on a television screen. This television contains more than a million books. That is why Tommy thinks they are so much better. 

He has found the old book within the attic of his house. while reading, Tommy says it's about school. Margie hates school and can't understand why anyone would write on it. 

She had trouble learning geography from her "mechanical teacher." it had been black, large, and had a screen. He teaches students, gives them exercises, and asks questions, all in a special room in her own home. you can also calculate marks in no time. 

Margie hates the space where she has to insert her homework or tests. once her mechanics teacher's geography sector was graded too quickly for her grades to get worse and worse. 

The county inspector rebuilt it after an hour. She was very nice to Margie. she hoped her mechanics teacher would be away for a long time. Tommy says that the book that she found (site) is not about her type of school, it is about the school centuries ago. 

They discover that the students at that time had a man as a teacher who taught the girls and boys, gave them homework and asked them the question. They had a special building that children went to. And they learned the same. if they were the same age. At first, Margie does not understand how a person can be a teacher and how students were thought the same because her mother says that education should be adapted to the mind of each child, but nevertheless, in her opinion, these schools are fun and she wants. read more about this. 

Then it's Margie and Tommy's time for their school. Margie goes to her home classroom, where the mechanics teacher is. It is already activated because the lessons are always at regular times. I was thinking about the old school system and how much fun children should have, learning and spending time together.

Conclusion of The Fun They Had

The conclusion of  “the fun they had summary”, throws light on emerging technology and how it is overtaking the world.

We are becoming slave of technology slowly, so we can say, in the near future, it will not be surprising if teachers were replaced by robots. But if we want to save our this educational system , we have to aware of  importance of the school as well as college. It is our duty that we give this to our next generation

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